Someone Not on My Insurance Crashed My Car

Complete each of sentences in such a way that it's as similar in meani

It's lucky I know you or I'd be deeply offended. If...I'd be deeply offended. I had lucky to know you Fortunately, they're on e-mail, otherwise they'dNeverHaveReceivedTheNewsInTime.Were...they'dNeverHav they are on e-mail Could you hold my briefcase so I can move this table? If you would be...move this table. so kind as to hold my briefcase, I can They may change their minds, in which case they'll let us know. Should...they'll let us know. they changed their minds, I don't think we will, but if we did sell this flat, how muchdoyouthinkwe'd get? much -II- we to sell this flat, Should they strike the consultant off, she'll never work again. If she be... stroke off, she'll never work again. Our neighbour talks as if he owned half the county, doesn't he? To hear our... neighbour talk you could/would think he owned half the county, wouldn't you? That cocky new boy talks like someone with ten years' experience.That cocky new boy talks as ... if he had had ten years' experience. if he had had ten years' experience. Suppose... you were to work this out without that calculator, would you do it? It's you not thinking carefully that caused us to have these problems. If... only you had been thinking carefully, we don't have these problems. Assuming everything goes according to plan, we'll be with you by six o'clock. Unless... something goes wrong, we'll be with you by six o'clock. The Finn is almost certain to win, unless his engine blows out during the race. The only way... the Finn will lose is if his engine blows out during the race. I'll lend you my car for your holiday on condition you get it serviced afterwards.If you'll pay for my car to be serviced afterwards, I'll lend you my car for your holiday. You giving him your number suggest you did want to see him again. Why did you... give him your number if you didn't want to see him again? You'll find you dinner in the oven. If you... want your dinner, it's in the oven. There's clearly nothing I can do to stop you leaving. If you're determined ... to leave, there's clearly nothing I can do. I think I'll go swimming after school, despite the likelihood of rain at that time. Even if... it's raining after school, I think I'll go swimming. I think you should formally complain to the manager. If... (were/complaint) I think you should formally complain to the manager. Supposing we do go ahead with the building, it can't be before June. If we are...(will/earliest) to go ahead with the building, we will be before at June earliest. to go ahead with the building, we will be before at June earliest. If by... (chance/might) any chance might anything happens that change your mind, let me know. Supposing the world was going to end tomorrow, what wouldYouDoTonight? Were the world...(about/spend about go to end tomorrow, how would you spend tonight? I think not having school on Mondays sounds like quite a good idea. I think it...(might/better) might be better, we didn't have school on Mondays. might be better, we didn't have school on Mondays. Were... (better/able) Nico better at maths, he would/might be able to become an accountant. The only thing that made the show worth watching was the visual effects. If it... hadn't been the visual effects, the show wouldn't have been worth watching. I would never have got so far if my parents hadn't encouraged me. Had it... not to be encouraged by my parents, I wouldn't have never got so far. You're lying in this hospital bed because you forgot the most basic rule of Safety First. If you... had been remembered the most basic rule of Safety First, you wouldn't haveBeenLyingInThisHospitalBad Taking that job would have meant her working from eight till eight every day. She... would have had to work from eight till eight every day, if she had taken that job. But for the goalkeeper's brilliance, we could have lost by many more. If the... goalkeeper wouldn't be so brilliant, we couldn't have lost by many more. goalkeeper wouldn't be so brilliant, we couldn't have lost by many more. Were you... to have turned left at the lights, you would have got here ten minutes earlier. The only reason the child hasn't been prosecuted is the fact that he's only twelve. Were it... not for his age, the boy would have been prosecuted. The police showed great restraint and avoided a potentially very ugly incident. There could... have been a very ugly incident if the police hadn't show such a great restraint. Can it be true that you're really going to deliver my sofa today? Can it be true that I' having/getting to have my sofa delivered One of the others agreed to post my letters for me.I post my letters for me. one of the others to agree My dentist is supposed to be capping my two front teeth this morning.I'm...this morning. supposed to be having my two front teeth capped My car really needs servicing. I really... serviced. need to get my car Why did you let them go without signing the receipt?Why did you...letting them go? get them to signing the receipt before The whole of my sister's class spent last weekend redecorating her flat. got/to: My sister got the whole of her class to redecorate her flat. We couldn't find our way out of the woods. got/in: We got lost in the wood. Do you think there's any chance of this new party winning the forthcoming election? get/at: Do you think there's any chance that this new party will get elected at the forthcoming election? I can't say I enjoy the teacher reading out my work in front of the class. having/to: I can't say I enjoy the teacher's having my work read out to the class. It's quite simple for a locksmith to copy one or more of your keys. get/make: It's quite simple to get a locksmith to make a copy one or more of your keys. SinceTheAdvertisement,We'veHadMoreApplicationsThanWeCanDealWith.swamped:SinceTheAdvertisement.applic we've been swamped The minister's response completely took the interviewer by surprise.aback:The minist was taken aback by Her lack of inhibition confused and embarrassed me.disconcerted:I...her lack of inhibition. was disconcerted by Each new generation is told the secret recipe.down: The secret recipe generation. is handed down from generation They decreased production following the economic downturn.scaled: Production...the economic downtur was scaled down following I can't stand the way the boss always patronises meLikeThat.talked:Ican'tStand...toByTheBossLikeThat being talked down Their request was phrased extremely formally.couched: Their request...terms. was couched in extremely formally They only reimbursed us because we took legal advice. We wouldn't... have been reimbursed if we hadn't taken legal advice. There's a very good chance that the company ran up those debts intentionally. The company could... well have run up those debts intentionally. My salary is half what it would be in the job I was offered in January. If I had... taken the job I was offered in January, I would be on twice the salary I am now. It's a long time since anyone gave my car a proper service. I haven't... had my car serviced for a long time. It would have been common courtesy to let me know you were coming. You might... have let me know you were coming. She went before I realised what was happening. By the... time I realised what was happening she had left. It's time we were planning our next holiday, isn't it? Don't think we... should be planning our next holiday? We've had lots of arguments with that particular harbour master before. This isn't... the first time we've had arguments with that particular harbour master. It was wrong of you to take what he said for granted. shouldn't: You shouldn't have taken what he said for granted. His exam results will determine what choice he has for further education. dependent: His choice of further education is dependent on his exam results. If by chance you're arrested, you don't have to say anything. under: If by chance you're arrested you are under no obligation pressure to say anything. The new minister seems to be excellent at fielding awkward questions. flair: The new minister seems to have flair on fielding awkward questions. People often find their first experience of sky-diving rather sickening. common: People are common in finding their first experience of sky-diving rather sickening. We couldn't hear most of what he said. inaudible: Most of what he said is inaudible for us. Their exclusion from union meetings stems from their shocking behaviour at the last one. since: Since their shocking behaviour at the last one, they have been excluded from union meetings. Generally, the majority of the audience is made up of school children. comprise: Generally, school children comprise the majority of the audience. The car completely destroyed my motorbike. My motorbike ... was completely destroyed by the car. Second prize was awarded to an unknown author from Patras. An unknown author from Patras.... was awarded second prize. The judge refused him permission to appeal against the decision. He... was refused permission to appeal against the decision. Blur have earned several million pounds from their new album. Blur's new album .... has earned them several million pounds. They suggested we try a new method of checking how much we were spending. We ... were recommended to try a new method of checking how much we were spending. Leaving that dress in the sun has made it fade. That dress ... has faded in the sun. We watched the men sail the boat into the harbour. We watched the boat ... sailing into the harbour. I dropped the glass and cracked it. The glass cracked .... when I dropped it. I added flour to the sauce and thickened it. The sauce ... thickened when I added flour. They're selling a lot of copies of that new single. That new single ... is selling a lot of copies. They made me tell them everything I knew. I... was made to tell them everything I knew. Nobody ever let me study the piano at school. I... was not allowed to study the piano at school. It is often said that Shakespeare never revised anything he wrote. Shakespeare ... is often said never to have revised anything he wrote. There were once thought to be canals on Mars. It ... was once thought that there were canals on Mars. From what we understand, there was an attack last night in the vicinity of the beach. There is ... thought to have been an attack last night in the vicinity of the beach. It's a widespread assumption that George was wrongly accused. George ... is widely assumed to have been wrongly accused. You have to clean these football boots until they shine. These football boots are ... to be cleaned until they shine. Under no circumstances should you cross this line. This line is ... not to be crossed under any circumstances. She wants it to be clear to people that she's fair. seen: She wants to be seen to be fair. He often says to people how much of his success is down to you. heard: He is often heard to say how much of his success is down to you. The theory is that she fell overboard at night and drowned. fallen: She is supposed to have fallen overboard at night and drowned. We certainly don't want any repetition of such a ridiculous spectacle ever again. repeated: We certainly don't want such a ridiculous spectacle to be repeated ever again. The plan was originally to complete the building by June. due: The building was originally due to be completed by June. When I was a child, I was never allowed to play with the children next door. let: When I was a child, my family never let me play with the children next door. She vaguely remembers that she was knocked down by a motorbike. She has vague memories of ... being knocked down by a motorbike. It's never very nice when people laugh at you. Being ... laughed at is never very nice. Stewart was criticised for his extravagance and was more careful after that. Having ... been criticised for his extravagance, Stewart was more careful (afterwards). I really wish I hadn't been pushed into giving a speech. I really regret ... being pushed into giving a speech. Because I was told it was quicker, I naturally took the mountain road. Having ... been told it was quicker, I naturally took the mountain road. I can't tell you what it feels like because nobody's ever given me ₤100,000. Never ... having been given ₤100,000 before, I can't tell you what it feels like. Do not switch off unless the screen shows "Ready for Shutown". This machine is only ... to be switched off it the screen shows "Ready for Shutdown". It's over a year since anyone saw William. William .... hasn't been seen for over a year. It's too early to send anything off to shareholders. Nothing .... can be sent off to shareholders yet. The calculation would have baffled me completely if it had not been for your help. I.... would have been completely baffled by the calculation if it had not been for your help. We want justice and we need to see it carried out. Justice must not .... only be done, it must also be seen to be done. I'd never let anyone use a photograph of my children in an advertisement. I'd never have ... a photograph of my children used in an advertisement. The driver was fined especially heavily because of his several previous convictions. Having been ... convicted several times previously, the driver was fined especially heavily. The manageress often made us stay behind after closing time to do extra work. We .... were often made to stay behind after closing time by the manageress to do extra work. The investigators think a fault in the fuel lines caused the crash. A fault .... in the fuel lines is thought be the investigators to have caused the crash. They've had to fax the insurance company three times for a decision. The insurance company .... had had to be faxed three times for a decision. The accused became very emotional. overcome: The accused was overcome with emotion. Naturally, they will deduct points if you arrive late. penalised: Naturally, you will be penalised by having points deducted if you arrive late. The model's clothes lat all over the floor. strewn: The floor was strewn with the model's clothes. Our new Director wants you to call her "Madam". addressed: Our new Director wants to be addressed as "Madam". I can't say I enjoy it when people tear my writing to pieces in front of me. having: I can't say I enjoy having my writing torn to pieces in front of me. We'll have to make up our minds by the end of the week, won't we? be: A decision will have to be made by the end of the week, won't it? It's just possible the hotel may need more staff in the summer. ruled: The possibility of the hotel needing new staff in the summer can't be ruled out. Surely nobody likes it when people make fun of them in public. being: Surely nobody likes being made fun in public. Never forget that the customer is always right. borne: It should be borne in mind that the customer is always right. This school-leaver's qualifications are not adequate for such a demanding job, areThey?sufficiently: This school-leaver is not sufficiently qualified for such a demanding job, is he/she? Let me know when you're coming and I'll be able to book the seats. Unless ... you let me know when you're coming, I won't be able to book the seats. Without your help we couldn't have got the car started. If it ... hadn't been for your help, we couldn't have got the car started. So long as you drive carefully, you should havePlenty ofPetrol toGet you home. Drive carefully or... you won't have enough petrol to get you home. "Don't keep doing that or I'll leave", she told him. She told him she ... would leave if he kept on doing that. You won't get there before four o'clock however fast you drive. Even if ... you drive incredibly, you won't get there before four o'clock. We'll start at three as long as you're all on time. Provided .... that you're all on time, we'll start at three. But for his bravery, several people might have been killed. If it ... hadn't been for his bravery, several people might have been killed. Even if you disagree with her, she'll still carry on. You ... may disagree with her, but she'll still carry on. If you hadn't come at the right time, we'd have been in trouble. Had... you not come at the right time, we'd have been in trouble. We must be prepared, in case the worst happens. Should ... the worst happen, we must be prepared. We really should be leaving, shouldn't we? It's high .... time we left, isn't it? It's a pity you told everyone what we were up to. I'd rather ... you hadn't told everyone what we were up to. An appeal against her conviction might change everything. Were ... there to be an appeal against her conviction, it might change everything. Inviting him to dinner would have meant my cooking all afternoon. If ... I had invited him to dinner, I would have been cooking all afternoon. Should there be no qualified paramedic on the premises, call this number. In the .... event of there being no qualified paramedic on the premise, call this number.

Someone Not on My Insurance Crashed My Car


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