Taylor Swift'due south passive-aggressive lyrics are "the realization of every writer's narrowest dream."


From the "Bad Blood" promotional poster, 2015.

"I've never thought about songwriting every bit a weapon," Taylor Swift said with a straight face to an interviewer from Vanity Fair while the mag was profiling her in 2013.

No, not Taylor Swift. Not the author of songs like "Forever and Always," written in the wake of her human relationship with former swain Joe Jonas, the ameliorate-looking Jonas brother, and featuring this lyric: "Did I say something way too honest, made you run and hide like a scared piddling boy?" Not her, who wrote/sang about her relationship with the thespian Jake Gyllenhaal, "Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword/and realizing in that location'south no right reply."

Not Taylor, who leaves the impossible-to-crack clues in her liner notes for each song by capitalizing a variety of letters that spell out the subjects in a very essential manner: "TAY" for a song near ex-boyfriend Taylor Lautner; "SAG" for the Gyllenhaal 1 (equally in Swift And Gyllenhaal, or that they're both Sagittarius. I don't know).

For Taylor Swift to pretend that her unabridged music career is non a tool of passive aggression toward those who had wronged her is like me pretending I'm non carbon-based: as well piece of cake to disprove, laughable at its very suggestion.

Don't get me incorrect—I say all this with utter adoration. Taylor'south career is, in fact, the perfected realization of every author's narrowest dream: To become dorsum at those who had wronged united states of america, sharply and loudly, and and so to be able to cry innocent that our intentions were anything other than poetic and pure. Almost of us can only achieve this with minor asides. Taylor not only publicly dates and publicly breaks upwards, but she then releases an achingly specific song well-nigh the relationship—and that song has an unforgettable hook—all the while swearing she won't talk about relationships that are over. Yep, date Taylor Swift, and not but will she shit on you on her album, but the song will become a single, and so a hit, and then you volition hear yourself shat upon by an army of immature women at Staples Middle. And then she'll deny that she was always doing anything other than righteously manifesting her art. It's diabolical, and for a lifelong passive-ambitious like me, it'due south made her my hero.


Like a proficient passive-aggressive, Taylor never owns upwardly to this beliefs. In that Vanity Off-white profile, she repeats her vow to never kiss and tell, but and then refers the journalist to an anonymous friend who does take permission to tell. And tell she does: About Taylor'south romance with Harry Styles from One Management, virtually Jonas, nearly Lautner. Similar a next-generation digital-age retaliator, Taylor has found a way to tell her story without telling it herself. Beginning her friend tells Vanity Fair, now Vanity Fair tells u.s. like information technology'due south news. Now it's not merely rumor; information technology's from an bodily news source. Don't look at me, she says. I didn't say anything. And, well, she'southward kind of not lying. Kind of.

"When I knew something was going on in someone's personal life and they didn't address it in their music, I was always very confused by that," Taylor told The New York Times. "I owe it to people from letting them in from Day 1."

The songs are, afterward all, her art! And art isn't about anything specific. It's virtually human experience, and information technology'due south subject to interpretation. In fact, this song isn't near me at all, she seems to say. It's about you.

Consider the initial remark—"I've never thought nigh songwriting as a weapon"—itself a argument of roundabout, unimpeachable genius.

In fact, you can find everything yous need to know nearly the multifaceted genius of Swift'south passive-aggression—her souvenir for words, her understanding of exactly what she was put on this earth to do—in that sentence. Never thinking about something is not the aforementioned equally not having done it. And weapon, a literally loaded word, is something bad. She's not being bad, or mean. She's just letting it out. She's simply processing.

When The New York Times asked her about her relationship with Joe Jonas, the respond was: "He's non in my life anymore, and I accept absolutely cypher to say about or to him." Except that song she wrote almost him, of class. Oh, and her song "Amend Than Revenge," which was aimed at Camilla Belle, the actress who ostensibly "stole" Jonas away (sample lyric: "She's an actress, whoa; She's meliorate known for the things that she does on the mattress, whoa"). For his part, Jonas wrote his own vocal indicting Taylor that was heard by whomever listens to his music, but, well, lyrics just ain't his matter: "Now I'm done with superstars and all the tears on her guitar"—"Teardrops on My Guitar" was an early hitting of Taylor'southward. This was the equivalent of the urban myth dance-off that may or may non (probably not, simply permit me dream!) have taken identify between Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake following their breakup. Information technology was a fan's dream. A real brawl. Actual tween idol drama.

Only still, Taylor would non own up to her vocal subjects. Either because she just loves getting off on a technicality, or she thinks we're idiots. I believe it'south the former. Considering betwixt the liner notes and the timelines, in that location's really no way to doubt it: if you just bankrupt upwardly with Taylor Swift, that in that location song is most certainly most you.


The masterstroke of all of this passive-aggression is, of course, "Love John," a single on her album Speak Now. It is the accumulation of her feints with little Disney boy Joe Jonas or Twilight hunk Taylor Lautner. This fourth dimension, a man almost twice her age came around, stole her eye, and then broke it. This is what she'd been preparing for her whole life.

Here are some of the lyrics to "Honey John," printed without permission, in full detail, since no excerpt can adequately portray what a writhing takedown the song is:

Well, perhaps it'due south me and my blind optimism to blame
Or maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it abroad
And you'll add together my proper noun to your long list of traitors who don't understand
And I'll look dorsum and regret how I ignored when they said run as fast equally you tin

Dear John, I see it all at present that yous're gone
Don't you think I was as well young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress cried the whole fashion abode

Love John, I run across it all now it was incorrect
Don't y'all recall nineteen'due south too young to exist played past
Your dark twisted games when I loved y'all so
I should've known

You lot are an expert at deplorable and keeping lines blurry
Never impressed by me acing your tests
All the girls that you lot've run dry have tired, lifeless eyes
'Crusade y'all've burned them out

But I took your matches before burn could take hold of me
Then don't look at present
I'm shining similar fireworks over
Your distressing, empty town

Taylor wrote this in the aftermath of her relationship with renowned rake John Mayer, a man who committed the sin of breaking the middle of a mail service-Pitt Jennifer Aniston, among others (Vanessa Carlton, Jessica Simpson, Miley Cyrus—and those are simply the musical ones; by the fourth dimension this is published, surely his near- date to Katy Perry, much spoken most on the radio now, will exist a affair of the past). He is a man of little variety. His type is unsuspecting, pretty, fiddling, and also white.

Did John Mayer deserve this? He's guilty of his ain snide songwriting crimes: It was an open secret that he had written "Your Body Is a Wonderland" to honor the fleshy whorl of that other J. Lo., Jennifer Love Hewitt, whom he dated circa 2002. And he did write a pretty scorching mail-breakup vocal nigh Taylor called "Paper Doll," which is a basically a patronizing piece of work of little fine art that sounds as loungey and un-new as his other music. The song talks about a daughter who changes dresses a lot, which is not a offense as far equally I know, and something about cut cords—perhaps he felt similar she was too young or as well tied to the music industry trappings. Not like him. Nobody tells him what to wear or who to write soft- rock songs about!

However you experience almost revenge songs, we can concur that Taylor's "Beloved John" is a chief form in passive-assailment. Start, consider Taylor's use of the generic "Dear John" letter for this specific John—there's that plausible deniability once more!—as if to make it sound like a goodbye letter to anyone, when actually it's a good day letter of the alphabet to someone.

Then at that place's the viciousness. "Dear John" lays bare all that we suspected of Mayer'due south psyche that information technology's actually uncomfortable to listen to. Not since Alanis Morissette wrote the scathing "Y'all Oughta Know," allegedly about former Full Business firm star Dave Coulier (an unlikely lothario, truthful, but hey, Canada has its own rules), has a song about an ex been and then cringe-worthy.

Of "Dear John," Taylor said: "At that place are things that were little nuances of the relationship, little hints. Everyone will know, and then I don't really take to transport out emails on this one."

And like she wished for, John Mayer was humiliated, and he told Rolling Stone every bit much. Mayer as well takes outcome with "Beloved John" as a musician. "I will say as a songwriter that I think information technology's kind of inexpensive songwriting," he said. "I know she'south the biggest matter in the earth, and I'm not trying to sink anybody'due south ship, only I think it's abusing your talent to rub your easily together and go, 'Wait till he gets a load of this!' That's bullshit."

Only Taylor maintains that she's innocent, having told The Times, "I can say things I wouldn't say in existent life. I couldn't put the judgement together the way I could put the vocal together." It's not that she didn't desire to say this to your confront, John. Information technology's just that she couldn't.

Only John maintained she crossed some line that he didn't cross when he wrote "Paper Doll," or that Joni Mitchell didn't cantankerous when she wrote "Free Homo in Paris" about David Geffen, or Neil Diamond when he wrote "Sweet Caroline" about Caroline Kennedy (though I'1000 however non i hundred percentage sure that's true). Using his name was not off-white in dearest's state of war, only really, the objection must be to spilling details of such intimate abuse. And that's where Taylor excels.

Meet, Taylor was, according to lore, a chubby geek in heart school. She was abased by her peers in sixth grade, but when her songwriting powers were coming to fruition, and then merely as her gift began to sprout, so did her ability to articulate them and, just a couple of years later, publicize them. The metabolism of this follows that of the digital age into which Taylor was born: Take a idea, mail service it. None of this rigorous checking with legal, followed by second thoughts, followed by self-doubt, followed by yielding to decency like a puppy dog. Merely more on that afterward.

It was a dream come truthful for a rejected-feeling girl who was coming into her own equally a tall, dazzling blonde with a microphone and a following. Is there any one of united states who kept a diary without wishing deep downwardly that someone would notice information technology and sympathise usa fully, downward to the ugliest particular? Is at that place anyone amidst us who didn't promise that the world would learn from that diary exactly how the globe had wronged us?

She was no match for a soft-rock vocalizer who has been getting laid his whole life on the strength of his guitar and his pillowy lips.


9781940207735That'southward how Taylor Swift became the hero to of all of us losers, of anyone humiliated in middle schoolhouse, the publicly dumped in high school, or anyone who always realized during the auto ride home the perfect comeback that would now go unsaid. We don't all have the wherewithal to process what has happened to the states and synthesize it into a popular song that will be broadcast to a bajillion fans. And we certainly, for the most office, lack the platform. Today'due south teenager tin craft the perfect Tweet or Facebook update, toy with it, post it, modify it, delete it. Taylor puts information technology out at that place, and out at that place information technology stays.

In a manner, she was made for this. She was born with the face up of an accusation. Her eyes, which encounter everything and narrow naturally; upturned, judgy olfactory organ to look down past; lips that tend toward pursing. Yet she was also born lovely, with a sweet, thin voice and an engaging grin. She's smart and tall, and she's thin now. Who would not beloved her? In fact, for those of us who were chubby youths, who had no friends, the invention of Taylor Swift is no less than the invention of a super-robot sent through time and infinite to lure the mean girls and mean boys into loving the states, so intermission their hearts and tell the world what scum they are. We couldn't accept dreamed information technology better.

Taylor's denials are another layer of performance art. Because has there ever been a more passive-aggressive profession than writing? Writing is first built-in of a need to explain oneself, and it is comorbid with the desperate loneliness of an ostracized, chubby eye-schooler, like she was and, well, similar I was. The popular kids can explicate themselves to each other. Just the lonely are left to their writing. Information technology'southward through the tools of observation that we larn to strop an otherness…we begin to define ourselves from the way we are different. And slowly, slowly, we spend and so much time pretending that someone is listening that we often don't know how to modify modes in one case people are.

Taylor became an administrator swan to all u.s.a. ducklings who never got the opportunity to rise higher up our social circumstances or have relationships with men like actual Kennedys or One Direction band members. Her songs are her report back to us from the land of fantasy: here'due south what it'southward like when one of us becomes ane of them. Living as Taylor Swift in her songs becomes the closest thing you—I—ever came to cool.

Because I swear I've moved on from all the heartache and all the rejection. I swear the memories of eating lunch alone don't hurt as much as they used to. I'grand 30-eight! I'm married! I have children! When I call back of the phone pranks played on me, when I recollect of the names called out to me, when I think of the parties I wasn't invited to, the moments I realized he was cheating, or when the group of girls looked at me like I was disgusting, it doesn't sting me the way information technology did at the time. But something'due south still there, and I know information technology because I've concocted the affair I should have said in my head in each of those situations.

Eventually, what happens is this: things yous write get published and/or sung. And that'due south when the people y'all've been writing about brainstorm to hear what you've been thinking of them this whole fourth dimension. If yous're a magazine author like I am, you lot hedge your bets. You count on most people not beingness dandy readers, and then you lot hedge farther by maybe not posting this particular essay on your Facebook page. You as well build in some sort of plausible deniability: If information technology sounds like a particular person, brand sure there's an added item—never untrue, remember I'm a journalist—that makes information technology so that this pocket-sized story could actually utilise to several people. I am ever prepared with an "Oh! That's not you! I tin can't tell you who it is, merely of form it'due south not you lot." Writing has taught me that you can retain friendships while still harboring a bunch of anger toward someone. Anger is not the same as not liking someone, and it'due south certainly not incompatible with wanting to exist liked.

Alas, I've really never had to use it. Considering after about two years of writing essays, I learned about something I volition hereby in these pages proper noun the Passive-Aggressive Author'due south Puzzler: People, specially non-writers, are an optimistic, delusional bunch. If you mention people in an unflattering mode without naming them, they will never recognize themselves in your story— fifty-fifty if you lot name actual details of circumstances surrounding the stories. However, if you mention them in a flattering style without naming them—say, talk nearly the time they gave yous water in the desert—they will immediately assume you're talking near them, even though they've never been to the desert or traveled with you. (Taylor inherently knows near the Conundrum, and uses it to create her plausible deniability: Yeah? Prove it!)

The affair is, no matter how oft I build the perfect retort into the retentiveness of the thing that happened—and they would exist "Dear John"–style retorts, designed for maximum, long-lasting psychic carnage—it never changes the fact that I never articulated things. I was walked upon and insulted, teased, and, worst, ignored. And so I chose a unlike kind of life, a smaller one where I could call up before I spoke and and then my words would be loud enough to last on a printed page. See, I practise have a platform. I'm a writer. And at that place is so much revenge I'd like to get, so many scores to settle, but I'm older now and see so clearly the consequences of putting something in print.

There is a part of me that doesn't desire to bear witness how petty I am by naming the names of those who wronged me—years ago, I wrote an essay well-nigh how the mean girls from grade school were now my Facebook friends, and I lacked the nerve to post the essay to Facebook. Office of me doesn't desire them to know that I even so retrieve about it. I should, by at present, not even think it, right? We are generally people who like to pretend that our childhoods happened to another version of u.s., that we don't carry the scars that we do. So I play it condom. I don't refer to people who have wronged me; I don't e'er put in writing the affair I should take said, the matter I'chiliad however boot myself for not saying. I don't know if that makes me dumber or smarter than Taylor, and I certainly don't know if my refusal to use my piece of work as a tool of passive-aggression makes me braver or more afraid.

I accept become someone who is but perfectly vengeful in my head. The closest I've gotten is writing an essay about a human being who broke my eye and changing his proper noun from Garry to Gary. (Merely there'due south hope, isn't there? Here I just admitted what I did! Suck information technology, Garry!)

Taylor exists as our id. She lone posses the chutzpah to play innocent as she boldly winks at what she's done in a forum more public than fifty-fifty the well-nigh viral commodity. But it's likewise through her that we tin continue to fantasize well-nigh a revenge well-nigh perfect, an aggression so passive that no ane sees it coming, that no 1 can confirm it once they've been hit. That solar day might be around the corner, and it's Taylor who allows usa to dream of it: dream of a fourth dimension when the stings of the by are made better through the public hanging of dirty laundry, a time when nosotros say the perfect thing in the moment when it most counts, a moment when we finally become the final give-and-take. Information technology's on that twenty-four hours that nosotros, also, will have our most perfect assailment realized. It'southward on that day you volition find us shining like fireworks over their distressing empty towns.

This essay appears in Here She Comes Now: Women in Music Who Have Changed Our Lives, edited past Jeff Gordinier and Marc Weingarten, out this summer from Barnacle Books. Reprinted with permission.

Taffy Brodesser-Akner is a contributing writer at GQ and The New York Times Magazine. She lives with her husband and ii sons in New Jersey, where she bought Taylor Swift's new anthology at Starbucks equally God and country intended.